If you are here you probably already know that Pinterest is a great way to drive traffic to your website. There are millions of people who use Pinterest every single month so you want to make sure the pins you create are being seen by them.
I am going to walk you through how to find your best performing pins in your Google Analytics so you can learn what your audience likes (or doesn’t like) so you can create more pins to their taste.
You want to check your analytics often to make sure the pins you create are performing well and driving traffic to your website.

If your audience doesn’t like your Pin, they are not going to click on it or save it. So you need to create pins that your audience engages with. You want your audience to click your pin and go to your website. It’s really nice when they also save your Pin for later.
If a pin doesn’t take off, you’ll need to do some research to understand why. You may need to tweak your Pinning Strategy or Pin Design.
So I am going to show you how to find your best performing Pins by using Google Analytics.
You can easily see your best performing Pins in Google Analytics.
You can also use Pinterest Analytics and Tailwind Analytics to see how well your account and your best pins are doing.
I like to check all three sources and compare the results.
If you are trying to get into a premium Ad Network, such as Mediavine, you will want to keep an eye on your Googly Analytics. Mediavine will request a report from your Google Analytics Account when you apply to their ad program.
It is very easy to find your your best performing pins for your blog posts. It will only take a couple of steps:
Go to your Google Analytics account. Click: Acquisition –> Social –> Network referrals.

Under Social Network Select Pinterest.

On the next screen you will see a list of your blog posts under “Shared URL”.
Select the blog post that you want to check to see what the best performing Pinterest pins are.

The next screen will show you a list of Pinterest Pin URLs under Full Referrer.
You can edit the dates of the report in the top right corner. I like to run several reports and compare month over month.
You can copy one of the Pinterest URLs and paste it into your browser to see the pin on Pinterest.

Once you are on the Pin, right click on the web page and select “View Page Source“.
This will open up a page full of coding, numbers, letters, etc.
Do a search on the page (click CTRL+F) and search for “created_at“.
After you find “created_at” on the page, you will see a date and time right after it. This will tell you the date and time the pin was original created.
I suggest comparing a few of the Pinterest Pins for the same blog post. You will want to compare the Pin’s created date, Pin design (the image, colors, and font on the actual Pin), the Pin Title, and Pin description. Take a look to see who pinned the Pin and what board it is Pinned to.
This will help when you create future pins because you’ll start to notice what your audiences engages with.
In order to succeed with using Pinterest, you need to have a Pinterest Marketing Strategy. You need to have a strong optimized Pinterest Account, a pinning routine, and create content that entices your audience to click for more.
Pinterest has been very vocal that they want new, fresh content but you may notice some of your Best Performing Pins were created a long time ago.
Don’t be discouraged if your new pins are not going viral yet. Pinterest is a long term game so sometimes it can take time for a Pin to take off and drive traffic.
Pinterest is always making updates to their platform so you want to check your analytics often to make sure your pinning strategy is working and that you are creating the best Pins that are driving traffic to your website.
Keep in mind that Pinterest is a long term game. Results don’t typically happen overnight. Content on Pinterest has a longer shelf life than content on other social media platforms.
So if you are not see the results you want, check to see if you are making these Common Pinterest Mistakes.

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