One of the best ways to grow your website traffic is by learning how to rank first on Pinterest.
That’s right – Pinterest can still drive thousands to your website by having Pins that rank first on Pinterest.
Pinterest is having a come back. So if you used Pinterest in the past, it’s ok if you gave on it it. There was a rough time there where Pinterest was going in a different direction but things are changing.
In 2023, I’m waiting my Pinterest Traffic skyrocket, it’s like the old days are coming back.
It’s much easier to have your content rank on Pinterest than it is to rank first on Google. It can take up to a year to rank first on Google with proper SEO.
With Pinterest, you can rank first within a couple of weeks or months, depending on how established your Pinterest account is.
An established Pinterest account is when you have been an active Pinterest user who pins new content regularly for at least 8 months. So if you created your account 3 years ago but you haven’t been actively pinning, Pinterest will not classify your account as established.
Pinterest isn’t like how it used to be, where you used to be able to get a viral pin within a day of first Pinning it.
Instead, you need to have a Pinterest Marketing Strategy and proper Pinterest SEO before you will see results.
If Pinterest is no lonoger part of your Marketing Strategy, you need to bring Pinterest back!
Pinterest is a search engine with over 400 million users who use it every single month.
When Pinterest users are searching Pinterest, they’ll get a list of Pins related to the search term They usually only click a Pin in the first line or 2. They rarely scroll down to.
Very similar to google. When people are searching for something on Google, they usually click one of the first articles shown. Very rarely do they click through all the pages.
So the first Pin on Pinterest or the first article on Google, usually gets the most views.
So if you want to use Pinterest to drive traffic, you need to aim to create high ranking Pinterest Pins.
Keep in mind, some keywords are more popular than others. So depending how popular the keyword is, will dictate how much traffic you can get from it.
Anyone can rank on Pinterest as long as they are willing to put the effort in.
And when it comes to putting the effort in with Pinerest, it doesn’t require a whole ton of effort.
There are just a few things you need to do:
In order to see any results with Pinterest, you need to be consistent with pinning on Pinterest.
This is where a lot of people fail when it comes to using Pinterest.
They think pinning once or twice a month will drive thousands of pageviews. If we are being honest, that’s not being consistent.
If you want to use Pinterest to drive traffic, you need to have a strong presence on Pinterest.
And the only way to have a strong presence on Pinterest is by being active and pinning consistently.
If Pinterest sees you are an active Pinterest user, they will show your content more often in the newsfeed and search results.
Pinterest wants to show it’s users fresh new content. So the more fresh pins you create, the better.
Just make sure you are creating visually appealing pins so when your audience sees your Pin, they’ll want to click on it.
I know it can be time consuming Pinning every single day to Pinterest. So find a schedule that works for you.
If you pin 5 pins a week, make sure you pin 5 pins a week EVERY week.
If that sounds daunting, so panic. There are Pinterest Tools to help automate your Pinning.
Tailwind is a very popular scheduling tool that comes with many features, but it does have a cost associated with it.
So if you are looking for a budget friendly scheduler, you can use the Free Pinterest Scheduler.
The free Pinterest scheduler does have limitations but it will help you stay consistent with pinning on Pinterest.
With either scheduler tool, you can schedule your pins to post at the time and day you specify so you don’t actually have to spend time ever week manually pinning on Pinterest.
I suggest posting at least 3 new Pin every week. If you can do more, do it, but don’t overwhelm yourself. Be realistic and soon enough you’ll rank first on Pinterest.
If you want to rank first on Pinterest, make sure you are creating Pinterest Pins that will generate clicks.
That’s right – you need to create Pins that will catch your audience eyes.
If you Pin does not stand out, your audience will scroll right by.
Click here if you want to learn how to createa a viral Pinterest Pin.
To rank first on Pinterest, you need proper Pinterest SEO.
There are so many different places on Pinterest to capture SEO, so make sure you optimize your Pinterest Accout with Pinterest SEO.
My content is constantly ranking in the first line of Pinterest search results and it’s only because I’m constantly working on my Pinterest Marketing Strategy.
I make sure my Pins stand out and are visually appealing to my audience. I also make sure they all have a proper Pinterest SEO.
So anytime you create content for Pinterest, make sure you don’t put all your effort into designing the Pin.
You need to put just as much effort into your Pin title, Pin description, and Pin ALT TEXT.
You will want to do keyword research to ensure you are including the keywords people are using to search for your topic. Once you Pins start to rank high on Pinterest, you’ll see more traffic and more saves.
As long as there is engagement on the Pin, the pin will continue to drive traffic and be on it’s way to ranking first on Pinterest.
When it comes to Pinterest, nothing happens overnight.
Pinterest is turning into a long term game, but not as long as Google.
As long as you are an active Pinterest user who is pinning consistently, you will start seeing results within a couple of weeks.
If you want to rank first on Pinterest, you need to be patient. Be an active pinner and stick to a Pinterest marketing strategy. If you put the effort in, you will see results.
When it comes to ranking first on Pinterest, you need to be an active Pinterest user who pins regularly. You need to create high quality pins and optimize your content with Pinterest SEO.
It will take a few months to see consistent results, but it will be worth it. Get your Pinterest account established and be an active pinner with proper Pinterest SEO.
Right now, all my pins that are ranking on the first page and driving the most traffic were created months ago. So don’t expect results overnight.